Shipping Policy:

  1. Order Processing:
  • Orders are typically processed and shipped within [7-10] business days after payment is received.
  • Orders placed on weekends or holidays will be processed on the next business day.
  1. Shipping Methods:
  • We offer various shipping methods depending on the destination and urgency of delivery.
  • Shipping options and associated costs will be displayed at checkout for your selection.
  1. Shipping Timeframes:
  • Estimated delivery times vary depending on the shipping method chosen and the destination.
  • Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email to track the status of your delivery.
  1. Shipping Restrictions:
  • We currently only ship to addresses within India.
  • We do not ship to P.O. boxes or APO/FPO addresses.
  1. Shipping Charges:
  • Shipping charges are calculated based on the weight of the items, shipping method selected, and destination.